Monday, March 27, 2023

Resurrection 3/29

 If you’ve seen the movie “The Passion of Christ” or a live play with an actor depicting the crucifix toon and resurrection, what’s been your response?  Thinking about what Jesus endured and overcame is powerful. His presence is with us and He promises to never leave us. His words become even more powerful in our everyday journey as we think about the resurrection. 

“The words of Christ are not great on the grounds that they have such a statistical edge over anybody else*s words. They are read more, quoted more, loved more, believed more, and translated more because they are the greatest words ever spoken. And where is their greatness? Their greatness lies in the pure, lucid spirituality in dealing clearly, definitively, and authoritatively with the greatest problems that throb in the human breast; namely, Who is God? Does He love Me? What should I do to please Him? How does He look at my sin? How can I be forgiven? Where will I go when I die? How must I treat others? No other man's words have the appeal of Jesus' words because no other man can answer these fundamental human questions as Jesus answered them. They are the kind of words and the kind of answers we would expect God to give, and we who believe in Jesus' deity have no problem as to why these words came from His mouth.” - Josh McDowell, Evidence that Demands a Verdict

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