Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Dangerous 7

 It’s scary to ask God to break and disturb my comfortable lifestyle. Most of us live a cushy life with no persecution or physical suffering because of our faith. My life has been privileged compared to most global citizens, but as our culture rapidly, changes, I wonder if we will be able to continue in such luxury. The political upheaval, distrust, anger, and loneliness we feel could be warning signs of things to come. I worry about the increase in teen depression and suicide, which can be symptomatic of so many cultural issues. I worry about my grandchildren growing up in a world that devalues integrity and character. What will their world be like with a minority knowing anything about church, Scripture or a sovereign God?  I wonder if I’m being too negative or if I’m another frog that isn’t aware of the rising temperature in the pot. We cannot change our entire culture overnight but we can encourage a few to be courageous Christ followers.

“At some point in my life of faith I realized I knew plenty of things about Jesus but hadn’t actually done anything with Jesus. I was like a professor who taught the class but wasn’t a practitioner. I knew the verses about the poor and the widows and the orphans. Meanwhile I had never done a single thing to be like Jesus to them.” Excerpt, Undistracted, by Bob Goff

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