Thursday, April 20, 2023

Hope 4/22

 How do you dredge up hope during your times of crisis?  How do you become hopeful even though you are disappointed and discouraged?  It seems when I’m in a funk or I’ve hit a low, I sense that the evil force in our world is trying to undermine my faith and hope. Romans 8:1 reminds me that I’m no longer condemned and do not need to feel ashamed and guilty. Rather than feeling victimized by a predicament or problem, Inness to take action and call out my downcast attitude fir what it, reaching up to Him. 

“May the Lord Himself establish you in His best purposes for you. May He strengthen you with holy conviction and gritty faith to climb every mountain He's assigned to you. May He increase your capacity to love and encourage others.” - Susie Larson

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