Monday, April 3, 2023

Ezra 7:10

Ezra 7:10

[10] For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the LORD, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel.

Set his heart - determined, disciplined his whole being

Study - examine, understand, learn, acquire wisdom and knowledge

Law of the Lord - God’s principles and promises  Jesus as the fulfillment of the law

Do it - surrender, obey what I’ve learned, live my life aligned with what I’ve learned  

Commentary To teach people to obey everything he has commanded us. That means we to know what he's commanded us. We need to set our hearts to study his word, his commands. Then to do it, to obey it and to teach others to obey him.

Preparation leads to living it and teaching it

The order of things in this verse is very observable: first, he endeavours to understand God’s law and word, and that not for curiosity or ostentation, but in order to practice; next, he conscientiously practises what he did understand, which made his doctrine much more effectual; and then he earnestly desires and labours to instruct others, that they also might know and do it.

 Four steps of application:

  1. Know the truth
  2. Relate the truth to life
  3. Meditate on the truth
  4. Practice the truth

Eight questions of application:

  • Is there an example to follow?
  • Is there a sin to avoid?
  • Is there a promise to claim?
  • Is there a prayer to repeat?
  • Is there a command to obey?
  • Is there a condition to meet?
  • Is there a verse or passage to memorize?
  • Is there a challenge to follow?


Read and reread Ezra 7:10. Go through the questions of observation and the steps of interpretation. If you need a little review, click here to review the previous lessons on observation and interpretation. Then, walk through the four steps of application and ask the application questions.

You will not submit this assignment for grading. Prof. Hendricks will discuss the passage in the video below. But it is best to complete this assignment before watching the video.

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