Friday, April 21, 2023

Swimming with sharks

 Swimming With the Sharks without Getting Eaten Alive

Michael Sprague

Life is not for the fainthearted. Our world simmers from Russian aggression to Islamic State militants

to our Southern Border Chaos to Religious Liberty Persecutions/Pressures Worldwide to juggling massive debt to values clashes. I wonder if God laughs at our madness or cries out of compassion. How do we negotiate it all? How do we swim with the sharks and not get eaten alive? I sure don’t have all the answers and I don’t think you can make it out of life’s waters without being harpooned… but I’ve been experiencing the fruit of the “With” Principle.

Christianity is not a subject to be mastered, but an infectious way to live “With” Jesus and shared “With” Others

Mark 3:14 says, “And he appointed twelve, so that they would be with him and that he would send them out.” 

Paul practiced this same approach with Barnabas, Timothy, Titus, Silas and so many faithful men and exhorts us in the “With” Principle throughout Timothy and Thessalonians. I have been having lots of appointments and Bible studies with leaders. What stands out to me is the value of the “With” Principle. It is the simple truth that the best discipleship and spiritual formation flows out of being “With” people while the Holy Spirit is in your midst. My work is not flowing out of any program, canned approach, special expertise or an agenda. I am planting a seed, watering it and watching it grow. I shepherd leaders, enfold strays and relate to people, not as a job, but as a way of life. It is just sort of like breathing. I don’t know any other way.

It is so easy to approach relationships out of agendas sometimes hidden agendas. I’m enjoying the “With” Principle. I don’t have to have all the answers and don’t have to always be on the top of my game. I am a fellow traveler and sometimes struggler. In fact, a while ago, when I taught on the topic of failure, it produced the greatest discussion in a long time. I disciple out of a man’s life by asking questions. I disciple out of my life by sharing victories, defeats, experiences and learnings, and I disciple out of Jesus’ life through the Word of God. I’m seeing the kingdom is at its best when underground, counter-cultural, stealthy, quiet, humble, hopeful and positive. Too much of the Faith seems to be negative, loud, problem-centered and angry.

I feel like Andrew who got to tell his friends, “You have to see this!! We’ve met the Messiah!” (John 1:42) I have seen leaders freed up from bondage. I’ve seen men truly hear His voice and enjoy Truth chase away lies. Some with dark clouds and shark bites have discovered hope. I walk with leaders living in shark infested waters who choose to cling one more day to Jesus even as they await their rescue. Yup, walking “With”men has been good this month. Give it a try. Somebody needs to be “With” you and With “Jesus”.

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