Saturday, April 29, 2023

Why Pray 02

 I often forget that God’s handling of my issues is not a written contract, negotiated in good faith. He does not owe me an explanation nor an answer to my big or small questions. My role is to surrender to the King, the Creator and Lord of the universe. Many of my questions will go unanswered. They may even be unanswered when we meet Jesus in Heaven, I’m not sure. His sovereignty over rides my requests and complaints, but I know He loves me. Aceiptuee

Strongly states to pray about everything:  “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God”. --Philippians 4:6

“What do I lose when I have a praying life? Control. Independence. What do I gain? Friendship with God. A quiet heart. The living work of God in the hearts of those I love. The ability to roll back the tide of evil. Essentially, I lose my kingdom and get his. I move from being an independent player to a dependent lover. I move from being an orphan to a child of God.” - Paul E. Miller, A Praying Life

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Psalm 2

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