Monday, April 24, 2023

Why Pray 4/27

 To be honest, my prayer life is far from where it could be. The questions asked in today’s reading are very directed at self evaluation. There have been times I’ve prayed from a fatalistic view, as if asking for anything to change seemed out of line. During those times, I’ve prayed for better coping skills and resilience to meet the inevitable challenge. Other times I’ve prayed with specific requests, then forgotten about asking our Father, only to discover that He answered abundantly. I certainly want to be more faithful, disciplined, and excited to pray. I hope this devotional series ignited a fire for all of us. 

“I seek God daily because I need to. When I don’t meet God personally, thoughtfully, and humbly, I suffer the consequences. It’s analogous to forgetting to eat. I suffer because I am hungry, not because I feel guilty. “I’m hungry and I need to eat” is different from “I really should have eaten, and I failed again.” - David A. Powlison, How Does Sanctification Work?

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