Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Civility 05/06

 What is it like to experience the joy identified as a fruit of the Spirit?  Who do you know that possesses this gift?  I can think of a few who seem to be full of joy because they are consistently looking for the kingdom in all they do. These individuals do not seem to be prideful, but are amazed T what God is showing them. They do not seem to be worried about what others think, and do not compare themselves to any human standard of measurement. They are careful and wise to say no to many opportunities, but are quick to commit themselves to what God is showing them. Being all in with His kingdom seems to be the foundation for their joy. 

“I am starting to see there is a difference between “saying prayers” and honest praying. Both can sound the same on the outside, but the former is too often motivated by a sense of obligation and guilt; whereas the latter is motivated by a conviction that I am completely helpless to “do life” on my own. Or in the case of praying for others, that I am completely helpless to help others without the grace and power of God.” - Paul E. Miller, A Praying Life

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