Sunday, May 7, 2023

Restart 2

 I’ve had a hard time releasing those who have been hurtful. I have kept them in my mind and rehearsed the offense over and over, wishing that I would have done or said something different. But I cannot change the past, nor do I have control over these individuals. Some of the perpetrators are deceased, yet the memories are held hostage in my mind. But I’m learning that Jesus experienced every kind of abuse and torture.  You and I can depend on Him to walk with us every step in our journey.  The path we walk has a bright future because He is creating a new heart and new mind, changing who we are.  Practicing His presence in our journey is practicing kindness, forgiveness, and generosity in small small ways, on those who have not caused the deep hurt. We can train ourselves with the Spirit working in us to be different.  

“Every time we treat someone with dignity rather than shame, respect rather than disregard, concern rather than exploitation, kindness rather than brutality, and careful attention rather than turning away, we are doing things that are the reverse of trauma and evil.” - Diane Langberg, Redeeming Power

 God will never exhort you to do something without providing you with the resources to be able to fulfill it. When He says He wants you to love others, care for the stranger, and remember the prisoner, He also provides the grace that enables you to do it. You are called to genuinely care for people because He, the Lord Jesus, looked on people and saw them as sheep without a shepherd (Matthew 9:36; Mark 6:34). You are called to a life of purity because you were bought with “the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot” (1 Peter 1:19).” - Allistair Begg

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