Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Transformed 5

 It is so easy to be smug with an arrogant attitude that I’m better than the average. I’ve had stretch’s of time in my life when I thought “that will never happen to me or my family.”  But like a torpedo out of nowhere, my illusion of my own kingdom was blown up. There seems to be little guarantee that any of us are protected from hard times nor can we judge another person’s life by what ‘seems’ to be happening. It is so easy to be the arm chair quarterback and critic of others but we haven’t walked in their shoes. All we can do is be humble and in awe of our Lord’s example and teachings. 

“The truth is that we are not good people who make mistakes; we are sinful people in need of mercy. Because it requires humility to accept what our hearts are truly like, those same hearts will tend to prefer to be deceived by preachers of self-esteem and self-confidence rather than listen to prophets such as Jeremiah.” - Alistair Begg, Truth for Life - Volume 1: 365 Daily Devotions

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