Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Proverbs 1-6/9

 A skeptic of the Proverbs in the Bible might say that these truisms are not valid for a tech driven world. In a data driven consumer economy many might say that Solomon’s wisdom is double talk. But what could be better advice for living than to soak in the deep thinking of Proverbs. Our culture and every individual needs to develop the process of wise thinking. There is no better antidote to our divisive knee jerk reactions to issues. 

“If you trust God, then as time goes on, both your good times and your bad times will turn you into the kind of person whose plans and decisions are more and more wise.” - Timothy and Kathy Keller, God’s Wisdom for Navigating Life

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Uncertainty 9

 Do you find it hard to describe yourself as a clay pot?  I used to believe in the statement: “When life gets tough, the tough get tougher!’...