Sunday, August 20, 2023


 I know that the evil one loves to create discouragement and doubt in the local church. We all need hope, encouragement and spiritual direction as we figure out how to live in a messed up world. Consistently listening to messages that point out the darkness of the human soul, the sin that is embedded in our culture, how we so often reject God’s rescue, I get weary. I’m worn out from the church talk that reinforces what I see in the news and even in television game shows. I feel that we are being bombarded by an avalanche of negativity that is missing the hope of the gospel. 

Yes, we are living in the world and we cannot have a pollyanna attitude that all will turn out okay. But we cannot live under a cloud of gloom and doom that all is evil. We are citizens of Heaven, and we are to seek first the Kingdom. We are to look for where God is working, expecting Him to show Himself to us with opportunities to live Him deeply, to participate in His work. 

Dwelling on the twisted sexual ideas of our culture is not honoring our Father. Focusing on this topic is as bad as emphasizing greed, power, possessions, pleasure, and status as goals of the church. 

From a counseling perspective, children, teens, and adults are being plunged into a vortex of sexual temptations. Porn use is becoming an obsession by all ages, makes and females. This year, the Nebraska State Patrol is warning that there is a huge uptick in sexual exploitation toward all ages with sec trafficking taking place like never before…in Nebraska. I sense a darkness that is not even hidden at all levels. Innocence is being lost, even in the church. I fear for you, that all messages from our church remain pure and above reproach, with hope, encouragement, and glory to God, rather than a focus on the depravity of the human soul. Yea, the heart is totally depraved, beyond hope. But ghe currency of God’s kingdom economy is grace.  His grace and mercy over roses our delta Ed ways of thinking. Yes we should have faith, but His grace leads the way. We are saved by grace through faith with grace leading us toward faith in our SaviOr. 

What is the point of consistently highlighting sexual topics in ten a book of the Bible?  Yes the topic is in the Bible, but why highlight it. There are so many hurting people who need help. What about those who have been traumatized by an abuser. What about a child who has been the victim of a predator. What about the person who has experiences the trauma of parental abuse for years. Such scars are fresh. Wounds are reopened whenever these sins are discussed. Such USSSA are appropriate on a gospel centered counseling session or a Bible study but not in a worship service. 

Yes the world has so much sun embedded into its way of thinking. But a worship service needed to encourage attendees to worship our King who charges us to go into the world with the hope of salvation. Our hope is to engage the world regarding issues of redemption, care, compassion, justice, and restoration. A church that hides behind walls of protection is on slippery slope of being marginalized and ineffective. 

Is viewing the sins of Sodom with an open verbal explanation during church a mature perspective. I think not because of the trauma that has been inflicted upon sexual assault victims. Perhaps a mature approach is to outline the horror of what happened, the callous nature of hardened hearts, and the intervention of God into the lives who would respond to grace.  Each person needs hope and encouragement as we face unique challenges, respectively.  Some have had horrific crises involving assault and abuse  others have felt trapped with no escape, even within church walls  others have had absolutely no support from a church person in their private struggles  

Diane Langberg. “Sexual Abuse in Christian Organizations”— It is horrifying that such words should work together. It is horrifying that such words make sense to us. They should not. Such a phrase should be the king of oxymorons.

Jason Kovacs. There are some churches where the care of people is seen as an obstacle to the mission of God. That is a false dichotomy. Our care for one another is at the very heart of the mission of God.

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