Saturday, August 19, 2023

Warrior 14


 I so want our friendship to be described in part by the following quote. I’m picking out words in this quote as descriptions of where we are headed:  humility, dependence upon Jesus, surrender, patience, brokenness.  

“Eugene Peterson has said, “American culture is stubbornly resistant to the way of Jesus.”  The culture is strongly individualistic; the church is to be strongly communal. The culture is impatient; the church is to be persevering. The culture is celebrity-ridden; the church is to be a culture of humility. The culture celebrates competence; the church’s first priority is dependence. The way of Jesus, then, is one of community, and submission, service, and patience in that community. Jesus’ way is the road of humility, living in a state of brokenness before God. Jesus’ way is a people anxious to depend on God rather than on competence alone.”

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