Saturday, August 19, 2023

Heroes 14

 These thoughts hit me - Words can never describe the vastness of the universe nor how awesome our God is. How could He create and sustain everything yet love us individually, knowing the number of hairs on our head?  How could He love us enough to die for us, knowing how rebellious and indifferent we are?  How could He orchestrate behind the scenes to being individuals together to encourage each other, motivating them to connect and love Him more and more?  Our Father must have big plans in His timeless eternity to take such care in His plan for redemption and restoration. Let’s cheer each other on to be our best as we love Him deeply.


• A disciple abides in Christ through the Word and prayer (John 15:7).

• A disciple bears much fruit (verse 8).

• A disciple responds to God's love with obedience (verses 9-10).

• A disciple possesses joy (verse I I ).

• A disciple loves as Christ loved (verses 12-13).19


• A disciple submits to a teacher who teaches him or her how to follow Jesus.

• A disciple learns Jesus' words.

• A disciple learns Jesus' way of ministry.

• A disciple imitates Jesus' life and character.

• A disciple finds and teaches other disciples for Jesus”

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Bible 187

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