Saturday, August 19, 2023

Heroes 13 Epahras

 Earnestly praying for someone is a huge benefit to the person being prayed for. Paul’s compliment had to be based on solid evidence that Epaphras was genuine and authentic. He didn’t just say ‘I’ll pray for you” but he followed through. It bugs me at times that someone will say in a trite way ‘I’ll be praying for you’ or ‘Call me if you need something’.  I do not want to be ‘that person’.  Earnestly wrestling in prayer is pleasing, asking God to make Himself known in the struggles and turmoil  we need prayer and we need to be praying.  May God empower us to have eyes open to the needs around us, to see the need to be warriors of prayer.  

The uneducated Christian waits until he feels the prompting of the Spirit before he takes action. The Word-filled believer takes action based upon the facts of God’s commands, regardless of how he feels about it..” - Bill Hull

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