Monday, August 7, 2023

Wisdom 1

  I wonder if our level of wisdom is in direct proportion to our level of worship and awe toward our Creator. The more I think I’m the center of my world, the more foolish and stupid I am. But the sooner I have the perspective that our Father is in charge, I see that I do not see all the variables entering into my problem or predicament. Living in our fast paced culture thinking that we can have what we want when we want poisons our desire for wisdom thinking.

God did not give the Bible so we could master him or it; God gave the Bible so we could live it, so we could be mastered by it. The moment we think we’ve mastered it, we have failed to be readers of the Bible.” - Scot McKnight

“We forget that God's primary goal ia not changing our situations or relationships so that we can be happy, but changing us through our situations and relationships so that we will be holy.” - Paul David Tripp, Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands

 “…worship does not precede kingdom membership; it reveals it. It is because we are members of that kingdom that we live lives of gratitude and worship. God’s commands are not a list of regulations that allow individuals to make themselves acceptable to God and to one another. Our lifestyle is an evidence of our life. These godly behaviors do not create the life. They simply reveal it. - Allistair Begg

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