Monday, August 7, 2023

Wisdom 4

 A few of my own ideas about wisdom:  Wisdom seems to be thinking before I talk and act. Even if a person is impulsive by nature, wise thinking can tone down the temptation to act before thinking. On the other hand, I’m guilty of over thinking a decision, or second guessing what I thought was the best solution. Wisdom comes as we gather all the information and advice, and being courageous with the next best decision. The entire problem or dilemma may not be resolved because of multiple decisions that need to happen. Self reflection is important, as we consider how our actions and decisions honor our Father, not manipulating anything or anyone for self advancement. 

the way to inscribe the will of God on the hearts of people in this world is not by way of law or vote but by way of redemption through Jesus. Jesus’ kingdom vision is for his redeemed people and for them alone.” - Scot McKnight, Kingdom Conspiracy

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