Monday, August 7, 2023

Wisdom 5

 What does it mean to fear the Lord?  If I want to grow in wisdom, I’d be foolish to think life was about me.  Fearing the Lord is a realization and daily practice that He is sovereign, personal, moving events and situations to honor Himself.  He has history planned yet listens to His followers.  Our Father does what He wants and we may not understand His ways, but He is totally trustworthy. 

But I t seems I’m forever tempted to think my life is about me and what I can get. I think I’m getting better at not manipulating situations to make me look better or trying to avoid guilt for not doing enough. Talking all issues out with our Father helps sort out my motivations and expectations. 

· How does the fear of the Lord help you to hate these sins? When o consider that every knee will now before Him and each of us will give an account for our actions and words, I’m running from sin.  Other times, I’d rather hold on to a sin for my own pleasure without considering the outcome. 

“Much of our insecurity and defensiveness arises from a heart that is still striving for approval through our spiritual achievements rather than resting in the surety of God’s love and acceptance in Jesus.“ - Doug Wolter

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