Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Attentive 1

 Matthew 6:33 has been very impactful the last few weeks. By seeking His kingdom, I’m discovering His presence in so many ways, especially with Sandy’s medical issues and our frustrations with church issues. God’s nudge, promptings and thumps on the head have shown me that He knows fully and completely what we are experiencing. He has provided numerous friends to be so supportive and encouraging, especially with Sandy. You have been such a blessing to me, Nick, building momentum to continue seek g Him in all I do. Last Sunday, taking the courage to attend Kearney e- Free (the courage was not attending our old church) - two long time friends of Sandy’s were there to greet us. Their emotional support is huge for her. As Pastor Adrian said, we are known and fully loved. 

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Psalm 2

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