Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Daniel 2

 When the Scriptures state ‘Be holy’, it doesn’t say sort of holy, or be holy in specific situations. The command is not a suggestion.  I have had a hard time sallying this verse at times, thinking through all the ramifications  tough issues have arisen in work situations when asked to fudge on statistics, or when I wanted to present myself better than I should have. Daniel and friends demonstrated a resolve to be  the men God called them to be. They didn’t create a scene with being righteous in their behavior, they just did what was best in God’s eyes. They didn’t have a ‘I’ll be that guy someday’, but demonstrates right living in the moment. 

Trusting God means thinking and acting according to God’s word in spite of circumstances, feelings, or consequences.”

Warren W. Wiersbe

"Meaning and purpose in life do not have to be that difficult nor is it that hard when we take time to learn from those much wiser than we are." - Doug Shada

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Psalm 2

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