Thursday, September 28, 2023

Daniel 10

It seems like people are more aware of how we handle life when a crisis occurs or when they are in deep need. If we are a non anxious presence during the storm, others notice. If we are available to others and we demonstrate a caring presence, others notice. We cannot control others’s divisiveness, greed or jealousy. Crises usually reveal what is happening in the hearts of many. Daniel’s opposition didn’t seem to rattle us resolve to be the man God called him to be. May we be what God is calling us to be. 

In any culture in which God is largely absent, sex, money, and politics will fill the vacuum for different people. This is the reason that our political discourse is increasingly ideological and polarized. Many describe the current poisonous public discourse as a lack of bi-partisanship, but the roots go much deeper than that. As Niebuhr taught, they go back to the beginning of the world, to our alienation from God, and to our frantic efforts to compensate for our feelings of cosmic nakedness and powerlessness. The only way to deal with all these things is to heal our relationship with God.” - Timothy Keller, Counterfeit Gods

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