Thursday, September 28, 2023

Daniel 11

 Daniel’s friends knew that God knew everything. They didn’t have to come up with any defense for a plea of innocence or for understanding. Their allegiance and loyalty to the one true King surpasses the fear of being burned alive or the orders of an earthly king. Their quiet obedience stood out in the public arena, a stark contrast to the idols of the day. Does our obedience and surrender to the one true King stand out in our culture?

“If you want God’s grace, all you need is need, all you need is nothing. But that kind of spiritual humility is hard to muster. We come to God saying, “Look at all I’ve done,” or maybe “Look at all I’ve suffered.” God, however, wants us to look to him—to just watch.” - Timothy Keller, Counterfeit Gods

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Psalm 2

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