Sunday, September 3, 2023

The compass


Imagine a group of campers are lost in the woods at dusk. Everyone knows the group has to travel North to get home but everyone disagrees which way is North. Everyone has an opinion. 

One thing is for sure, the guy with the compass does not keep his mouth shut for fear of seeming intolerant or opinionated. TRUTH DEMANDS HE SPEAK UP.

The same is true in our world. There are lots of opinions, but the guys and gals with the compass must speak up. Truth and Love demands this. 

God’s Word is our compass. Which way is North? Jesus is our True North. So listen, my friends. Let’s keep our eyes fixed on Him. As we keep our eyes, heart, mind and life headed in that direction, we will be fine. Wake up each morning and head that way and take as many people with you as you can. 

As we go, we check our Compass and speak the Truth in Love. People will say, “That isn’t North” but we don’t waver because the Compass points to True North. 

Remember, it’s Truth & Love. Truth minus love is mean. Love minus truth is meaningless. Truth + Love = Influence!


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