Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Falling in place

 I've been meditating on this statement, "Things are not falling apart...things are falling in place."

Corrie ten Boom is one of my all-time heroes. I only got to be with her one time. When she spoke to us about her experiences in the holocaust she would often look down while she talked. She did this because she was working on a piece of needlepoint. After telling her story of the cruelty in the German concentration camps and the death of her father and sister, Corrie would hold up the needlepoint for everyone to see.

The backside of her handiwork was a jumble of threads and colors with no discernible pattern. With this came the observation that “this is how we see our lives.” She would then turn the needlepoint over to reveal the intended beautiful pattern visible on the front. Then Corrie would conclude by saying: “This is how God views your life and someday we will have the privilege of seeing it from His point of view.”

I've never forgot her words! God paints on a canvas bigger than you or I can see or imagine.

Drink deeply with rock solid confidence from Habakkuk 1:5b:

"Observe! Be astonished! Wonder!

Because I am doing something in your days—

You would not believe if you were told."

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