Monday, October 30, 2023

Filled 1

 The following paragraph hit the nail- “It would, however, be useless to tell anyone how to be filled with the Spirit unless he first believes that he can be. No one can hope for something he is not convinced is the will of God for him and within the bounds of scriptural provision.”

Tozer has said somewhere else: “We experience God as much as we want to experience Him.”  

I may be wrong, but I’m not sure we could live effectively with our ordinary responsibilities if we were filled with the Spirit 24/7 all the time, every moment. But experiencing those moments and times of being filled are truly treasured, not just for personal benefit, but seeing Him work in and through us.  Not an expert, but one must have a continuous relationship with Christ that is expectant of being filled, yet totally surrendered to His call for whatever is needed in the moment  


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