Monday, October 30, 2023

Made 1

 If you and I had every one of our earthly roles taken away, what would be our individual identity?  If you had no job, no family or marriage responsibility, and no one could say you any responsibility, what would be your identity?  Like the song by Cain, says, ‘On our best day we are a child of Gkd and on our worst day we are a child of God.’  

How is your identity in Christ the most important thing about you?

“I seek God daily because I need to. When I don’t meet God personally, thoughtfully, and humbly, I suffer the consequences. It’s analogous to forgetting to eat. I suffer because I am hungry, not because I feel guilty. “I’m hungry and I need to eat” is different from “I really should have eaten, and I failed again.” - David A. Powlison, How Does Sanctification Work?

"Go to church once a week and nobody pays attention. Worship God seven days a week and you become strange!" - AW Tozer 

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