Sunday, October 29, 2023

Growth - one way or the other

 Arnie Cole - “ Spiritual growth is inevitable—toward Jesus or toward Satan. Intentionally growing towards Jesus isn’t a guarantee. We have to work at it diligently. That’s why I need to know what’s slowing you down or tripping you up spiritually. I think this simple check up is crucial to understanding what keeps so many from becoming Biblically engaged disciple makers.”

The ups and downs of my growth toward Christ’s love is caused by a number of factors.  I often get nerves hobby people I cannot understand, worries that a torpedo of criticism or manipulation may hit at any moment. I also get focused on what others think, and tread on thin water. Another factor is my own self absorption, thinking I’m above the next crisis, or that God has taught me more than the next guy. But the more I rest in His love, grasping how the Creator and Sustainer of the universe could love me, despite mg fickle attempts to do what is right, I’m overwhelmed. Being motivated is not about my self effort, but realizing His love. 

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Psalm 2

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