Sunday, November 19, 2023

Gratitude 6

 Patience, grace, empathy and genuine compassion are to be demonstrated in relationships.  But what prevents us from experiencing these qualities up close and personal? I can really work at developing a humble attitude but who would notice? When I’m concerned about what others are thinking of me, I’m probably not focused on the needs of those in front of me. I often wonder if we truly understand what our friendships could be if we truly relied on His leading in our relationships. The more I grasp how much He loves me, my heart becomes more compassionate toward those around me  divisions and boundaries are removed.  Because of my vertical relationship, greater wisdom happens within the horizontal relationships.

I think the heaviest load to carry is the load of trying to appear perfect — this idea that ‘I’ve got to appear like I have it all together.' That's exhausting. It's exhausting. It's depleting. And also it keeps us from getting the help and the healing that we need. A healthier posture is to say, ‘Hey, I need help. I need help.’ The Bible says to confess your sins to one another so that healing may come. There's a connection between confession and healing. And so the sooner we can acknowledge that we need help, the sooner we'll receive help." - Max Lucado

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Bible 282

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