Monday, November 13, 2023

Made 15

 There so so much good in our world, despite the bad news and it’s promotion to make us afraid. What would our world be like if all the charitable work being done were removed?  What if there were no laws to protect us and we suffered total anarchy?  There would be no hospitals or rescue missions. Law and order would be a thing of the past  when I began my student teaching experience at Lincoln Northeast High School a few years ago, my supervising teacher said, “The only thing stopping a total riot in this classroom is respect. We are all working toward building a society to respect each other.”  This devotional has reminded me that we are made for creating, innovating and experiencing what is good. We have a Good Father who loves us far more than we realize. By doing good, looking for good, encouraging good, we are experiencing His moving in our hearts. 

Micah 6:8

    [8] He has told you, O man, what is good;

        and what does the LORD require of you

    but to do justice, and to love kindness,

        and to walk humbly with your God?

“God’s mercies in Jesus Christ are like taking in the sun full strength. Our love for others is at best a flickering three-watt night-light. But light is light. And in a dark house, in a relationship torn by conflict, that three-watt night-light makes a huge difference.” - David A. Powlison

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