Sunday, November 26, 2023


michael Sprague
Pick Your Pearls

There is a story about a little girl with a little string of cheap pearls she wears around her neck. They are plastic and yellowed, but she is so proud of them. One night her dad comes into her bedroom and says, “Will you give me your pearls?” 
“No Daddy,” she says, “You’d look silly in pearls.” 
The next night he asks the same question, “Will you give me your pearls?” 
“No, Daddy. They are mine and they are special.” 
This goes on for three or four nights. The daughter finally gets upset and gives the pearls over to her dad and says, “If you really want them, you can have them.” 
Her dad pulls out a case and opens it. Inside the case, sitting on black velvet is a real set of glistening pearls that are beyond anything the daughter’s eyes have ever seen.

Is there anything crowding out the best in your life? Are there any fake plastic pearls you are wearing? Anything you need to hand over to the Father so you can enjoy the pearl of great price? Consider: “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it” (Matthew 13:45-46). It is the opportunity of a lifetime. It is priceless.

Many people, when considering commitment to Jesus, think of the decision in negative terms, not positive. The calculation is what will I lose – fun, control, status, and freedom. The parables of Jesus remind us that this decision is positive. You have to have Him, you cannot go another way … for Jesus is living … life in the Kingdom is not just noble, but the smartest decision you could ever make. It is not just good. It is the best … it is blessed even when very challenging.

At my age, I am finding Jesus more compelling than ever … surprising … interesting … shocking … confusing … attractive … awesome … mysterious … stunning … fascinating. I am not ashamed to tell you He changed my life. He is the One I most admire, respect, and follow. He is not a legend or a fable. He is the greatest person you could ever know. 

Tough, sturdy fishermen found Jesus so compelling they dropped their nets and gave up their occupations. Simon the Zealot gave up his resistance movement and became part of something more powerful. Matthew the shark in the marketplace left his cash register wide open and followed the opportunity of a lifetime. Jesus’ hands were calloused. He had some serious forearms, His fingernails were not manicured, His appearance was not anything to brag about, but people flocked to Him. Wealthy, poor, religious and irreligious, fisherman, and prostitutes ended up saying, “I’ve got to have Jesus. Whatever it takes. I’ve got to follow Him.”

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