Monday, November 27, 2023

Starategy - Greg Stier


When I was in middle school Rodney was the neighborhood “Karate Kid.” Although he was only in high school he held multiple black belts and could work nunchucks like nobody’s business.

I remember asking him to teach me some karate moves. After he agreed, he calmly told me to punch him in the face as fast and hard as I could. 

I pretended that I wasn’t going to, then suddenly I threw my 12 year old fist-of-fury right toward his nose.

His arm went up in a flash and he barely blocked my punch. I missed his face by a mere inch.

Then, like a karate sensei, he leaned in and whispered my first lesson, “Greg, you don’t need to use all your energy to block a punch. You just need to divert it be a few degrees.”

Lesson learned.

What’s true of karate is true of our attack against the kingdom of darkness.

How much of the church’s punch has been diverted by Satan by a few degrees?

Instead of an advancing the Gospel we advance the latest programs.

Instead of equipping the saints to go and make disciples we challenge them to go to more meetings.

Instead of intercessory prayer for the lost, we only pray for our own lives, families and agendas.

Instead of seeking to play our part in the Great Commission we pay off missionaries to do it for us.

Instead of reaching out to co-workers, neighbors, family and friends with the Gospel, we meet in small groups to talk about it.

We are not here just to exegete the mission. We are here to execute it.

We are here to “equip God’s people for works of service” which includes evangelism and disciple making (Ephesians 4:11,12.)

We are here to “punch Satan in the nose” and rescue the lost people all around us that Satan “has taken captive to do his will” (2 Timothy 2:26.)

Brothers and sisters, don’t let the devil block your punch. 

Hit him hard, fast and in the power of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 6:10-12) then be used by God to rescue every lost soul you can (Jude 23)!

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