Tuesday, December 26, 2023

A Certain Man

 A Certain Man

A certain man gave a great supper and invited many . . . (Luke 14:16)

Jesus often began His parables with “a certain man. ” This certain man was a reference to God—He planned a great supper and invited many. The invitation of the gospel is to all of humanity. Oh, how our hearts break when sinners show interest in every-thing except their own eternal salvation. How grievous it is when sinners mock the offer of eternal life. It is nothing short of tragic. I remember as I shared the unspeakably good news of salva-tion with a young man, he looked at his watch as I pleaded with him. It was as though I was trying to guide him into hell rather than heaven. If he dies in his sins, how terrible it will be for him to have the memory of showing nothing but contempt for salva-tion from death and hell. We must never give up on the hardest of sinners or be so shallow in character to even think You will be sorry without a tear in our eye.


Do I sometimes give up too easily on the lost?

Father, may I never give up on the hardest of the unsaved.

*** From, Jesus in Red (365 daily devotions). 

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