Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Defeating Anxiety 1

 My anxiety level can go off the chart at various times  my ‘what if…’ list seems to change, depending on what is happening.  One phone call with bad news has been a life changing turn of events, making me fear future calls.  A family member who turns into an angry mess is a fear that another episode will happen.  The list goes on even though I firmly believe  the following and other similar verses:

“fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” --Isaiah 41:10

I’m not sure that we will ever live an anxiety free life this side of Heaven but we do not have to be dismayed or in despair.  His presence comforts and strengthens us.  Even though a warrior is courageous, his / her anxiety uts the on defensive and offensive alert.  

“Every day, we’re given the opportunity either to trust God or to accuse Him. Our most repetitive thoughts reinforce either our captivity or freedom. How we think about God directly impacts the quality of our lives. ” - Susie Larson

Broad street Devotional Team


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