Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Advent 17

 The apostle John was a changed man. Jesus called him to follow, and he responded. The process of growth and maturity is evident by the change he made to write with such depth and love for discipleship. John’s first three verses demonstrate an understanding of Jesus that is timeless. How can we ignore the fact that the Creator of the universe entered time and space as the created, to redeem us from the consequences of being rebellious and self centered. He came to restore the plan that was from the beginning, to be fully accomplished at He return. 

“When a person starts to resist the light, something begins to change within him, and he comes to the place where he cannot believe. There is “judicial blindness” that God permits to come over the eyes of people who do not take the truth seriously. (The quotation of Isa. 6: 9–10 is found in a number of places in the New Testament. See Matt. 13: 14–15; Mark 4: 12; Luke 8: 10; Acts 28: 25–27; Rom. 11: 8.) It is a serious thing to treat God’s truth lightly, for a person could well miss his opportunity to be saved. “Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near” (Isa. 55: 6)” (p. 194).” - Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Alive (John 1-12): Come to Better Know the Living Savior

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