Monday, December 11, 2023

Yeshua - Names of Jesus


In Genesis, He is the seed of the woman.

In Exodus, He is the Passover Lamb.

In Leviticus, He is our High Priest.

In Numbers, He is pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.

In Deuteronomy, He is the prophet like unto Moses.

In Joshua, He is the captain of our salvation.

In Judges, He is our judge and lawgiver.

In Ruth, He is our kinsman redeemer.

In I and II Samuel, He is our trusted prophet.

In Kings and Chronicles, He is our reigning king.

In Ezra, He is our faithful scribe.

In Nehemiah, He is the rebuilder of the broken down walls of human life.

In Esther, He is our Mordecai.

In Job, He is our ever-living redeemer: “For I know my redeemer lives.”

In Psalms, He is our shepherd.

In Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, He is our wisdom.

In Song of Solomon, He is the lover and the bridegroom.

In Isaiah, He is the prince of peace.

In Jeremiah, He is the righteous branch.

In Lamentations, He is the weeping prophet.

In Ezekiel, He is the wonderful four-faced man.

In Daniel, He is the fourth man walking in the midst of the burning fiery furnaces of life.

In Hosea, He is the husband forever married to the backslider.

In Joel, He is the mighty baptizer in the Holy Ghost.

In Amos, He is my burden bearer.

In Obadiah, He is mighty to save.

In Jonah, He is God’s great foreign missionary.

In Micah, He is the messenger of beautiful feet.

In Nahum, He is the avenger of God’s elect.

In Habakkuk, He is God’s evangelist, crying, “Revive thy work in the midst of the years.”

In Zephaniah, He is our Savior.

In Haggai, He is the restorer of the lost heritage of Israel.

In Zechariah, He is fountain opened up on the house of David for sin and uncleanness.

In Malachi, He is the Son of Righteousness arisen with healing in His wings.

In Matthew, He is the Messiah.

In Mark, He is the wonder worker.

In Luke, He is the Son of Man.

In John, He is the Son of God.

In Acts, He is the mighty baptizer in the Holy Ghost.

In Romans, He is my justifier.

In Corinthians, He is my sanctifier.

In Galatians, He is the redeemer from the curse of the law.

In Ephesians, He is the Christ of unsearchable riches.

In Philippians, He is the God that supplies all my needs.

In Colossians, He is the fullness of the godhead bodily.

In I and II Thessalonians, He is my soon-coming King!

In I and II Timothy, He is the mediator between God and man.

In Titus, He is my faithful pastor.

In Philemon, He is the friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

In Hebrews, He is the blood of the everlasting covenant.

In James, He is our Great Physician, for “the prayer of faith shall save the sick.”

In I and II Peter, He is my good shepherd.

In I John, He is love.

In II John, He is love.

In III John, He is love.

In Jude, He is the Lord coming with 10,000 of His saints.

In Revelation, He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


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