Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Born a king 6

 What are the issues that influence us to minimize the celebration of the King born in Bethlehem?  Our culture has been relentless to make Christmas all about ghe economy, measuring the strength of the consumer. I become anxious about the gifts we have purchased. Will they be well received?  What will the grandkids think?  What will their parents think?  Have I put enough thought into the process?  How do this year’s gifts compare to last year?  Ridiculous and foolish thinking. I hope those we love know that they are loved, far beyond the consumerism. The King of Kings born in Bethlehem is the Almighty God, Everlasting Father, who will come to be the Judge of our lives. I hope we kneel in adoration and awe of who we are celebrating. 

“Yes, it is true: that night the angels began a song that will never ever end. The Savior who rescued your heart now claims your song. Have you joined the choir?” - Paul David Tripp, Come, Let Us Adore Him: A Daily Advent Devotional

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