Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Systems Theory

 Steve Cuss interview with John Ortberg

How does a system develop that is reactive instead of response to purpose. Defensive reactions happen with anxiety and perceived threats. The minority Hild the majority hostage with their natural mode of handling anxiety. Many are anxious about ghe next episode of outburst and wonder what should be the response. Others believe that that is the way I am so deal with it. Leadership is to diffuse the conflict and point others to honoring the purpose and direction of the organization, business, school or family. 

On the theoretical level, psychological systems theory embraces holism as a worldview. Specific therapies may have specific impacts on individuals, but systems theory emphasizes an understanding of the well-being of the whole organism, rather than just changing a set of problem behaviors. › learn › lesson

The systems theory focuses upon the principles of all systems' organisations, regardless of type. All systems are seen to possess six qualities: wholeness, hierarchy, self-regulation, openness, adaptability and stability and flexibility.

The eight principles of family system theory are: triangles, differentiation of self, nuclear family emotional process, family projection process, multigenerational transmission process, emotional cutoff, sibling position, and societal emotional process.

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Psalm 2

 Most everyone is worrying about the next election. To add to anxiety, the world is full of chaos that includes war and economic dependence ...