Thursday, December 28, 2023

Defeating Anxiety 3


I used to struggle emotionally for a couple of weeks or more after Christmas. The build up of seeing family, expenses, and planning were all consuming. Even though I certainly believed His presence to be available, I would miss the intensity of His presence. But as I’ve grown, His joy and Hope override the temporary events of the day or weeks. He is guiding, leading, nudging, whispering to stay the course, to endure whatever distracting messages are around us, determines to love Him deeply. The same lesson applies 365 days of the year, even for 2024  

Anxiety and its cousins—panic, worry, fear and dread—is complex. There are spiritual, mental, physical, emotional, genetic, and circumstantial factors that can cause us to fall into the grip of depression, pulling us away from those we love and shuttering our ability to deal with everyday life. To underestimate the problem, or blow it off with a, hey, shrug it off and bounce back mentality, is a mistake.

But coming to terms with the formidable size of this giant in no way diminishes the promise of God—you can live free from the demoralizing grip of anxiety.

It’s imperative for you to know that you are not standing helplessly alone in your valley. God Almighty is with you and he is fighting for you. In fact, he’s already taken on every “Goliath” and won!” - Louie Giglio

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