Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Prophecies / Pedictions

 Michael Sprague


When I was a kid the most famous psychic seemed to be a woman named Jean Dixon. She was called the best of the best. Each New Year’s her new predictions were on the cover of many magazines. Interesting! In “The Book of Predictions” researchers analyzed the major seers of that era. Over a four-year period, they made 364 predictions. How many do you think came true? Guess! Four came true. That is a success rate of 1.1% or should call it an error rate of 98.9%. Most of us could beat that by just guessing. Besides that, many of their predictions were quite vague. It would be like me predicting there will be some blow up with China over the next 3 years or Prince William and Harry are going to be mad at each other in 2024.

Contrast these predictions with the Bible’s over three hundred bold predictions about the birth, life, and death of Jesus in the future. These predictions were recorded over 1500 years by some forty different authors hundreds of years in advance. Many were incredibly detailed. Predictions such as Jesus would be born in Bethlehem, born of a virgin, tribe of Judah,  descendant of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Jesse, and David. Betrayed by a friend for thirty pieces of silver. Not gold. Not forty but thirty. He would ride in on a donkey. His hands and feet would be pierced, he would be crucified with thieves, his side would be pierced but no bones would be broken. This was written before crucifixion was invented. He would be buried in a rich man’s tomb and would rise from the dead. Remember, Jesus has no control over most of these. Each came true 100% as written. 

It is fascinating to note that the penalty for an Old Testament Prophet who got a prophecy wrong was to be stoning. It was their way to distinguish the true and the many false prophets. I wonder how many conspiracy theorists, false prophets and sensationalist who claim to hear from God, would think twice if the standard was  100%. 

How can anyone account for the supernatural accuracy of the Christmas and Messianic Prophecies. God’s book is God inspired and Jesus was indeed the predicted one. Everyone knew in the first century how to spot the Messiah. There were three hundred plus ways. The Christmas story gives us PURPOSE, PERSPECTIVE AND POWER. Lean into these truths because God knows your future too. Whatever you have going on He cares and is at work. Even when you cannot see it.

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