Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Make room

 With your whole heart, choose to recount and tell aloud all His marvelous works and wonderful deeds. The Lord is Faithful. The Lord is Kind. The Lord is Just. The Lord is Faithful. “I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.” Psalm‬ ‭9:1-2‬ ‭NLT

My heart Christ’s home  by Munger

Oh, let me rise in the morning and live always with you!’ (v.18, MSG). This is why I love to read the Bible first thing in the morning. I am desperate to know God’s thoughts.

David is desperate for God. He wants to know God’s thoughts: ‘How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you’ (vv.17–18).

David is also desperate not to offend God in any way:

|Search me, O God, and know my heart;
||test me and know my anxious thoughts.
|See if there is any offensive way in me,
||and lead me in the way everlasting (vv.23–24).

Lord, I am desperate to know your thoughts and to hear your voice. Lead me into your presence, I pray. Draw me close to you.

"Later in his life, I bet the Innkeeper wished he'd made more room for Jesus. Me too." - Bob Goff

Homeless later in my adult life  

How do I know the Father 

How can I be led by the Spirit

Room of regrets

Room of guilt, missed opportunities

Not measuring up - sin of comparison  

“Train your heart to seek the light of Christ by noticing all the lights around you throughout the day-everything from sunrise to holiday lights to the little light at the back of the refrigerator. Stuck in rush-hour traffic? Let the brake lights on the car in front of you prompt you to use your Advent prayer: Come, Lord Jesus. My hope is in you.” - Max Lucado

When your heart is overwhelmed — choose to run to Christ. When your heart is overwhelmed — let His Word restore you. When your heart is overwhelmed — let His Word strengthen you. When the wind and waves of life try to rock your ship — choose to trust in the Rock who is Stronger than any storm that comes your way. 

Psalms‬ ‭61:3‬ ‭KJV‬‬ declares, “For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy.” He is a Shelter and Strong Tower. When your heart is overwhelmed — choose to meditate on His Word. When your heart is overwhelmed — choose to trust His Word. There’s no enemy that can overthrow His Word. Let your heart trust in Christ. 

“Our first real struggle in life is the struggle to get our lives together. ”

“Who am I? Where do I find meaning? Who will love me? How do I find love in a world full of infidelity and false promises? Countless expressions of longing, of heartache, of searching; but, in the end, one focus: a burning desire for a home we once had, somehow lost, and are looking for again.”

Mature Discipleship and the Struggle to Give Our Lives Away

Most people reach this second stage sometime during their twenties or thirties, though some of us might be in our forties, fifties, or even sixties before we cross the threshold between struggling to get our lives together as opposed to struggling to give our lives away. 

this stage of raising and teaching children, running our communities and churches, and being generous adults still is not the final stage of our lives. We still have to die, and that is not a minor anthropological or spiritual task. It is the most daunting task of all.

Credits to “Covenant” by Margaret Hasaka ,” 

Revelation 3:20  Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.

The Father knocks at my door, seeking a home for his Son:

This is similar to Joseph and Mary, wanting a room for the God of the universe to be born in a room. Imagine the Creator God being born as a baby, to grow into a fully developed man.

It’s Christmas morning, and I was had been reading Luke 2, the story of Jesus being born in a manger  

What happens when this same Son comes knocking on your door?  Do you have room?  Will you open the door and invite Him in with excitement and a warm welcome?  Will you allow Him to have full access to the whole house? To your entire life? Or will some doors in your life remain closed?

The Son knocks. I open the door. Can I come in and stay?” hHe asks  

Rent is cheap, I say.  

But He replies, I don’t want to rent. I want to buy.  But I counter that I’m not sure I want to sell. I’m not sure I want to give Him a full run of the house as an owner.   

I’ve never thought about selling what I own. I haven’t thought about what it might mean for the long term. How much are You willing to pay, I ask. Its already paid in full, He says. I’m a little confused, but I tell Him that He can come on in and look around.  There is something compelling about this guy’s presence, the look in His eyes, and the tone of His voice  

I think I will move in, if you agree, says the Son.  I’d like to get to know you, and eat meals with you, and talk about what is going on in your life.

I respond, “Well I’m not sure what I’m getting myself into. “I can let you have a room or two.”

I like it here, says the Son.  What I see is extremely valuable, far more than you know. I’ll take the two rooms.You might decide to give me more some day but I can wait, says the Son.

After much thought I say, I’d LIKE to give you more rooms, but it’s a bit difficult. You see, I have a lot going on. I need some space for me.  I’ve got a lot of stuff and a full schedule.  I’m a busy guy, you know.  

I know that you haven't told me a lot about your life, says the Son, but I’ll wait. I’m patient. So far I like what I see and I want to stay with you. .

I really don’t know you either, I reply.  Where do you come from?  

I’ve always been, He says.

How did you choose my house, to knock on my door?  

I’ve known you forever, but you have been avoiding me much of your life!

Where have You been living?  I had a home for a while when I was younger, while living with my parents. I was even born in a pretty humble place, no luxuries at all.  I had an especially  hard time finding a place the past three years of my life. But I’m looking for a home where I’m welcome, invited, and, well you know, where I can get to know you.  

Hm, after much thought, “Maybe I can let you have another room.  I’m not sure what You’ll do with more of my house, I suppose I can share, as long as I can come and go as I please..

Thanks, says the Son, I’ll take what you give me. I like what I see and I promise that I’m not a pushy resident.  I’m gentle and humble and I’m here to help you with your life.  You’ll see the power of my presence.  You’ll see how much I like you, but I’ll show you a different way to live, far different than you’ve experienced so far.

Well, I’d like to give you the whole house.  But I’m just not sure that I want You to know everything about me. You say You are gentle and humble, but  You sound demanding? Will You have a lot of new rules and guidelines if You have access to everything about me?

He replies, “It depends on how you look at our relationship. Think on what I have to offer. Get to know me, I wouldn’t put you out. I promise that I’ll never leave you or forsake you.  I’m faithful to my commitments.  I’ll never back out on you.

  You do not have to be afraid and I’ll help you with any burden or worry. You will be pleasantly surprised as I show you who I am and my  purpose for living each day. Your house would be mine, I agree, as you allow me to live with you.You’ll have more space than you’d ever had before. I promise peace and contentment, regardless of the chaos outside your home.

I don’t understand at all. What He tells me sounds inviting but I’m not sure of all the changes He will make.

I know what you’re thinking, says the Son, but I can’t tell you about all that as you know me better.  I’m not going to force anything, but you’ll have to discover it for yourself.  I began my life as baby with very humble means. I’ve suffered with a lot of pain and grief, just for you. I want you to know that if you allow me to have full residence, you’ll learn more about my way of living as we go, day by day.  But that can only happen if you let Me have the whole house.

A bit risky, I say. 

 Yes, says the Son, but try me. What I want to do is very radical.  There is no partial commitment to my promises. You see, I’m building a kingdom that is not like anything you’ve seen or read about.  You are either in or you’re out.  Some think they are in but they haven’t taken me seriously.  They really don’t know Me and there will be a day when I’ll have to tell them that I never knew them.  You can’t live a double life.  

 I’m not sure—I’m still deciding. What will my neighbors think?

The more you get to know me, that won’t be a concern. It’s never good to compare yourself to anyone else  one thing I’ll ask you to do though, is get rid of all the mirrors. It’s okay to have one to check your appearance before going out in the community it’s. But it’s never wise to be self observed with yourself. . 

Without saying anything, I sense an urgency to let Him have full access to everything about me. He seems to really care and I feel so much hope with Him standing next to me. “You see, I have a few rooms in my house that are locked. I’m not sure that I can find the key to each room.

What are some things in those rooms?

I’ve stored up a lot of regrets in one room. I’ve said some things that should.never have been said and made quite a few mistakes. The room next to it is full of guilt and shame. I don’t think I’ll ever measure up to what I should be. 

The Son grabs my hand, as if He is going to give me a handshake, but His hand is full of compassion.  Don’t worry, I have a master key and we will sort through all of those issues.   

He looks at another door down the hallway  what is in that room?  I’m not sure, I reply.  I think there are plans, goals, destinations to be explored  but I’ve been afraid to open the door, afraid that I’ll be disappointed.

He looks me in the eyes and says, “Remember what I said, I’ll never leave you or back out of your life.   That also means we will explore those destinations together.  You do not have to worry, because it’s more important that we talk everything out, step by step.   If you trust Me, you’ll need to leave the outcomes to Me.  

All of a sudden, my heart is pounding out of my chest. But at the same time, I’m sensing a peace and calmness I’ve never felt.  I hear myself saying,  “I’m all in to let You live with me…or is it me living with You?.  I’m not sure. “ 

He seems to read my mind.  Looks like we have a lot to celebrate this Christmas!  I’m glad you are celebrating my birth, but I’m over joyed that you are allowing Me into your life.  We have a lot to talk about, but we will take one step at a time.  


At the very heart of his moral teaching, lies this statement: “Unless your virtue goes deeper than the virtue of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of God.”13 It is easy to miss the challenge in this text because we too easily think of the hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees that Jesus sometimes highlights.


Excerpt From

Sacred Fire

Ronald Rolheiser

This material may be protected by copyright.

Excerpt From

Sacred Fire

Ronald Rolheiser

This material may be protected by copyright.

Excerpt From

Sacred Fire

Ronald Rolheiser

This material may be protected by copyright.

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