Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Two Kings



It is hard to keep the Herods straight in our minds. It is kind of like George Forman’s sons. Do you know what his first son’s name is? George. Second son? George. Third son? George. Fourth son? George. And all the rest. The Herods can be summarized like this:

Herod the Great: Christmas story

Herod Antipas: Killed John the Baptist

Herod Agrippa I: Eaten by worms

Herod Agrippa II: Trial of Paul in Caesarea

Herod the Great was the worst and ruled the longest. He was a builder. Cities, aqueducts, stadiums, theaters, sewage systems, the temple in Jerusalem. It was said when the temple was finished 18,000 people were out of work. 

Herod was paranoid. He was forever afraid of rivals. He was into acquiring power and maintaining power. His favorite color was red. The color of blood. Blood flowed freely under Herod including that of wives and sons that he perceived as potential threats. A Game of Thrones.

Eliminating rivals was what drove Herod when Magi came seeking a newborn King to worship. Herod was into wealth, prestige, glory, power and building his own Kingdom. He was not about to let anyone interfere with his Kingship and Kingdom. Kill all the babies born in Bethlehem.

There was a Kingdom of another kind. Jesus’ Kingdom was not about soldiers, palaces, and money but about mangers, stables, donkeys, shepherds, and humility. Jesus did not die because he spoke little hallmark sweet sayings that can be put on the front of refrigerators. Jesus ticked off powerful people and challenged their Kingdoms. 

There is an easy way to deal with this story and a harder way. The easy way is to tell ourselves Herod’s sins do not apply to us. The harder way is to admit we all have kingdom/control issues. Our problems may not be as obvious as Herod’s, but we want our agendas. It is about EGO… Edging God Out. We all wrestle with letting Jesus be King. We struggle with letting Him control our money, time, power, and choices.

One foggy night, the captain of a large ship saw another ship approaching on course for a head-on collision. Quickly, he signaled, “Change your course 10 degrees west.” The reply, “You change 10 degrees east.” The captain pulled rank, “I’m a captain with 35 years’ experience, you change.” The quick reply, “I’m a seaman first class, you change 10 degrees.” Incensed, the captain warned before the collision, “I’m a 50,000-ton battleship, change 10 degrees!” The simple message back,” I am a lighthouse. You change.”

The captain changed directions. Like the captain we may need to change course when confronted by the truth. It may be 10 degrees or 180 degrees. Herod missed Christmas. The baby was not just another ship in the night. Jesus is the Lighthouse. All mid-course corrections and surrenders to Him are worth it. Do not crash upon the rocks. Let King Jesus wear the crown. Herod’s Kingdom is now a pile of rocks. Jesus’ Kingdom will not end.

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