Thursday, January 25, 2024

Bible 1-25

 Today’s devotional is talking string language tk me. Regardless of the difficulties or problems, with no easy way through them, I need to maintain my focus on who God wants me to be. Maintaining character and integrity are so important when tempted tk draw back and hide, or to react with anger. Having faith in the One who sees every detail, trusting Him to work all situations out, and not taking offense at others’s response are each important for me. What looks like evil, Gkd can work behind the scene to make events work for the good. The following paragraph seemed to be all stated;

 See God’s hand in everything that happens to you – good and bad. See it all with the eyes of faith. Understand it all as part of God’s plan to bring good out of evil (just as he did through Jesus’ death on the cross).”

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