Friday, January 26, 2024

Bible 1-30

 I’m not familiar with the game of cricket but I’m familiar with the idea that I need to be ready for a ‘yes, no or wait’ answer to my praying and thinking. A no or wait answer May mean that I’m not ready for what is like, or that I need to wait until other factors are in place. As Rick Warren teaches, God may answer with ‘no, slow, grow, or go.’  True maturity is having eyes and ears wide open to what God is doing or may show me, rather than proceeding without consulting God at all. Earlier in my teaching career, I struggled whether I was doing the right thing, but became convinced that God was telling me to be faithful in what I was doing. The fruits of doing that are being realized more now than ever, especially with deeper relationships than I could have imagined. You are a perfect example of that, Blake. I would never dreamed to have friendships like this with a former student. 

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Psalm 2

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