Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Bible 31

 The One Minute Manager is a great read - an inspiring short book that promotes what Jesus said and did with the disciples.  Nicky’s summary captures what I’m re-learning over and over:  I need to begin each day with taking to God and worship. The sooner I realize I do not have all the answers and I cannot be self sufficient, the better my emotional reaction is to whatever comes my way. Nicky’s summary on leadership tools are lessons provided by the example of King David, Job, and Jesus, Himself. If I’m arrogant, self sufficient, shoot off my mouth, and seek short term gains for power or possessions, I’m headed for trouble. 

You have a tremendous opportunity to influence fellow employees and customers by being humble, a quiet listener, seeking to attain spiritual understanding and wisdom, and by pursuing an eternal perspective. 

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Psalm 2

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