Monday, January 1, 2024

Defeating Anxiety 5

 I’m relearning that a faith based life is far more than having the right information about faith in my head. A 16 inch gap between my head and heart can develop over night and I become calloused to where the Soirit is leading. I can know the right stuff but act like an atheist. It is sobering to read James 2:19. You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!  Let’s pray that we practice His presence with more than head knowledge. 

May God give you rest on all sides. May Jesus lead you into a season of restoration. May your good days outnumber your bad days. May your dreams speak louder than your fears. Where once you continually braced for impact, may you now live with holy expectancy. Happy New Year!”  - Susie Larson.

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Bible 187

 Proverbs seems to say there are two kinds of people - those who seek God and those who couldn’t care less. Those who search for Him find wi...