Thursday, February 1, 2024

Bible 33

 I used to think that it was impossible to have an ‘intimate friendship’ with God. I thought He was in the distance, judging whether I was measuring up to His standards and my own. When someone talked about their close relationship with the Savior, I thought it was just that - all talk. But I’m learning that it’s possible to develop a rhythm of talking all things out with Him, because He is far more loving and caring that I could have imagined. His judgment will take care of all injustice and unfairness in due time, but He is patiently waiting for us to trust Him completely. He is orchestrating events to fit His agenda in unseen ways. His invitation is not from a distance, but close and personal each day with new mercies and grace. The only thing standing in the way is my own pride and self sufficiency. 

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