Monday, February 19, 2024

Bible 51

 I’m very guilty of minimizing the power of prayer. I used to think that my prayers were not significant enough to make a difference or that my faith was not strong enough for God to really listen. But looking back at my life, I’m realizing that my meager weak praying has produced far more than I ever expected. My prayers for my family have been well worth the effort and my prayers for students I’ve worked with have had an input into their lives. What would happen if I prayed with more passion and expectancy?  Only God knows but I know that not praying produces a drift in the wrong direction. King Davis knew the power of praying but forgot it’s importance when he became self sufficient in his thinking. The people who encountered Jesus experienced intense prayers and the Old Testament documents many who prayed or needed to pray more, all pointing the coming presence of the Messiah. 

I’m thinking that this devotional experience with you, Blake, is a daily prompting to pray for you. I have far less time to make a difference in this world than you, but I can pour myself into the lives of young men like you. 

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