Friday, February 16, 2024

Friends of Job

 Michael Sprague

You know how the saying goes … WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE, WHO NEEDS ENEMIES?

I have been reading the book of Job. Job lost 10 kids. Lost all his businesses. Lost his wife’s support. Lost his health. Boils spread from head to foot. Gross pus oozed, flesh turned black, pain never ceased, emaciated, persistent itching, worms crawled in his flesh, exhausted, tears and wishing he were not alive.

Enter the three so-called friends Job refers to as SORRY COMFORTERS. They heap condemnation, guilt, shame, blame and legalism on the sick man. As rigid armchair theologians they declare that Job is sick because of hidden sin in his life. The finger-pointing is unrelenting. To them, Job was getting what he deserved. Job was simply their punching bag to showcase their rigid theology. They had no box for a blameless man who was EXHIBIT A in the showdown going on in the heavenlies.

Surely there are better ways to be a friend to the hurting.

1. Practice the Ministry of Presence – “There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” (Proverbs 18:24)

2. Empathize with their Pain – “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” (Romans 12:15)

3. Let People Grieve – “Grieve, but not like those who have no hope.” (I Thess. 4:13)

4. Listen More Than You Talk – “Be quick to hear, slow to speak.” (James 1:19)

5. Do not Give Nickel Answers to Million Dollar Questions – Some things need to be left with God.

6. Bear Burdens Practically – “Bear one another’s burdens.” (Galatians 6:2)

7. Instill Hope – Emphasize God’s Promises, Love, Compassion and Goodness

Oh, if Job only had a NO VISITORS sign hanging on his door. Let us not be SORRY COMFORTERS.

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