Saturday, February 17, 2024

Paul’s Snakebite Travel Log

 In meditating upon the Apostle Paul’s STORM, SHIPWRECK and SNAKEBITE travel log in Acts 27-28 one might think at first glance that God must be out to get him. However, a look through the Sovereignty of God lens reveals something far different:

· Closed Doors are often just Divine Detours.

· God guides by a zigzag and not a straight line.

· God sometimes takes us off-course to keep us on-course.

· At times, our plans need to fail so God’s plans can win.

· If you want to make God laugh, tell Him too many of your plans.

· God is never early, never late. He is right on time every time. You can trust His timing.

· There are no coincidences, only providence. No twist of fate, only divine appointments.

· When God seems to be crushing me, He is actually making me.

If Paul would have tried, as a preacher-boy or a jailbird, to get an appointment with Governor Publius of Malta or Caesar of the Roman Empire, it would have been impossible. Yet, SUFFERING, a STORM, a SHIPWRECK and a SNAKEBITE changed everything. The same goes for you and me. 

I wonder what divine appointment awaits us.

Michael Sprague

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