Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Path 7

 The empty tomb was a shock to everyone, especially to the Roman guards. I wonder what if the guards were later punished for not keeping the tomb secure. Surprisingly, the empty tomb was a shock tk those who lived Jesus. The had heard Him talk about being raised on the third day, but did they believe Him. How much of what I read in the Bible is glossed over and minimized?  I’m thinking that I am no different than the disciples in that I take God’s word too lightly. May we all apply what we know today and each day. 

The cross was a divine assignment, not a human accident; it was a God-given obligation, not a human option.

Jesus came to do the Father’s will and he did it. He came to purchase our redemption and he did it. He came to do a great work, the work of salvation, and he finished that work. From the beginning of his life on earth to the day he returned to the Father, Jesus was faithful to do what the Father commanded.” - Warren W. Wiersbe, The Cross of Jesus: What His Words from Calvary Mean for Us

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